What A Year: Reflections on 2022

Can you believe the New Year is here? 2022 came and went in the blink of an eye. That could be because we have been so busy getting Stat PD up and off the ground. The idea for Stat PD came to mind last spring, and it became a reality quicker than either of us could have anticipated. This year, we have learned a lot about establishing a nurse-owned business, creating a website, and running social media accounts. When we went to nursing school, we never thought we would need to know these things, but here we are. We can't say enough how much we genuinely appreciate our platform's early adopters. It is YOU who motivate us to continue building this idea to bring education, tools, and other resources to every corner of healthcare.  

We know the potential for this platform is enormous, and we still have some work to do getting off the ground, but we can hardly contain our excitement for what 2023 has in store. We are creating tools as we speak to share with users of our platform and are planning exciting opportunities for potential sellers to learn more about the development and design of resources. There is much more to come in 2023.

If you are interested in sharing your resources with the world, check us out on statpd.com. If you are in a role and feel you could benefit from specific resources, drop your idea in the comment box below. We will do our best to meet your needs and look forward to serving our community in the coming year. Stay tuned for great things.  

Don't forget to 'Like' us on your favorite social media platform to keep up to date on what is happening here at Stat PD.


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