Leadership and Stat PD

Many of us have heard at some point in our careers that we are leaders. Whether a leader at the bedside, a charge nurse, formal leadership in a healthcare organization, perhaps an instructor at a university educating our future nurses, or maybe you’re bridging the gaps in healthcare as a nurse influencer on social media. No matter where you are in your leadership journey, or whether you realize your impact on others or not, being a nurse has a variety of opportunities for leadership.

I recall when I was a new CNO/COO at a hospital, I struggled to find my voice in my position. I was challenged to keep track of the twelve departments that were part of my direct team, not including the various committees and other groups I was a part of or leading. In that challenge, I felt as if I worked endlessly to develop systems to try to keep all the things straight. I recall feeling the same as the director of quality and education prior to that executive leadership role. I was creating and editing spreadsheets, trying to find a way to track the various items I needed to report, where to report them to, and who needed what education when.

How wonderful it would have been to have a place to go where I could browse for the tools I needed in the various roles I was in! The time it would have saved me, even just to have the template that I could edit a bit to work for me, would have saved so much time.

That is exactly why we created Stat PD. One location with a variety of resources created by nurses who are IN the roles, USING the tools, and providing the tools for YOU. Take a look around and see if the tools you need are available - and if they aren’t, reach out! We would be happy to share the needs with our network and see what we can find.

Healthcare is changing - we all know that. We need to grow and change with it. And that’s exactly why we started Stat PD. Join us. You won’t regret it.

Check out statpd.com to view a variety of readily available, proven leadership resources for YOU to start using today!


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