What is the PD in Stat PD?

Wait a minute! We were so excited to start building Stat PD and get it out into the world that we didn’t even stop to think that some of our most eligible sellers didn’t even know some of the terminology we have been throwing around in this space. 

We recently received a DM on one of social media channels that clearly indicated there was some confusion around what PD really was.  

The PD in Stat PD stands for Professional Development. Professional development might look a little different depending on the profession itself. To us, professional development refers to that lifelong learning that takes place once the person has entered the workforce.  This learning helps professionals to develop new skills, brush up on changes that have occurred in the profession, and gain the knowledge needed to advance their career.  

In healthcare this could be using specific pieces of equipment, bringing awareness to new evidence based guidelines, learning a new role, or practicing a skill they haven’t used in some time.  Honestly though, that is just the quick list that came to mind.  I am sure there are countless things that fall into this category that I failed to mention. 

Regardless of whether people realize it or not, everyone needs professional development.  That is unless they wish to become stagnant, never improve in their role, stay at entry level for their entire working life. Here at Stat PD, we focus on Professional Development of Healthcare employees, more specifically nurses because we are both nurses ourselves. 

While professional development in the traditional sense references education, after working in the field of nursing professional development for the last 10+ years we have come to know that there are so many other things outside of just the education that we have spent countless hours developing. This is why Stat PD isn’t limited to just education, but all tools, templates, and resources health professionals use in their everyday lives at work to do their jobs. Think strategic planning tools, spreadsheets to make auditing and evaluating things easier, or even references and posters to use in the department.  

We also recognize those working to develop healthcare professionals in academia do the same.  They spend countless hours coming up with learning activities, planning skill development opportunities, and writing case scenarios. We hope Stat PD is a platform to help in these cases as well.  

The bottom line, whether you are a frontline nurse or healthcare educator or leader in clinical practice or academia, is that Stat PD provides instant access to high quality education, tools, and templates that make your life just a little easier.  


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