7 Reasons Nurse Entrepreneurship Might Be Right For You


Growing up, my mom was a small business owner. It was amazing to watch her create a business that aligned with her values, provided her with the flexibility to raise her family, and facilitated her ability to do what she loved most. Even though being an entrepreneur takes a lot of hard work and dedication, as a child, she was always there, or at least it felt that way. She never missed a sporting event, we had family dinners every night, and our house ran like a well-oiled machine, and she did it all while running her own business. 

The first two perks to nurse entrepreneurship are: 

  1. Autonomy & Control

  2. Flexible Work Schedule

When I first became a nurse, the shift work and long hours were no big deal. It gave me a reasonable amount of time off, and if I worked my schedule right, I could take a whole vacation without using a single day of PTO. As I began to put down roots and establish my family, these things didn't fit into what I wanted for my life. I wanted for my family what I had as a child, and instead, I was missing out. I only made it to some of my kids' activities, I wasn't always home to have a family dinner, and my house felt a little chaotic despite having days off during the week.

The work of an entrepreneur itself is not any more accessible, but it does give you more control.  It also allows you to be flexible in your schedule and provides you full authority to decide how, when, and where you work. 

The next two reasons entrepreneurship might be right for you if you have a: 

3. Passion for Innovation & Problem-Solving

4. Desire to Express Creative Spirit

My husband will tell you I am the queen of dreaming up ideas of things I want to invent. It started with what I lovingly name a dog-aman (like an ottoman, but for dogs to sleep at the end of your bed), a slipcover for my dining room chairs when my kids were little to keep my chairs free from dried-on food and spills, even a low-profile breast pump that made breastfeeding while working much more convenient (I have to say I had the idea first!). All of these things were ideas that would make my life easier. I could wash my bedding less and sleep more if that furbaby had her own space in our bed. I could clean less and play more if I could prevent the mealtime mess. I could breastfeed my babies longer and get back to work without constantly locking myself away to pump. Nurse entrepreneurship allows you to innovate, problem-solve, and use your creativity.  It is not that you can’t do these things in conventional nursing roles; it's just that you aren't always given the opportunity. Nurse entrepreneurship doesn't require you be granted a seat at the table, it allows you to build your. 

Nurse entrepreneurship doesn't just end at being in the driver's seat, creating things you wish existed. It also allows you to have:

5. Positive Impact on Healthcare

6. Financial Stability

Even though I have always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur and innovating to create things I wish existed, I never put these things together with the nursing profession. Nurses serve; they dedicate their lives to caring for others and do it all out of the goodness of their hearts. Nurses don't run businesses, invent things, or make money on their ideas…or do they?

Over the last few years, groups like Johnson & JohnsonAmerican Nurses Association, and SONSIEL have brought increased attention to nurse-led innovation. More nurses than ever are building businesses big and small, and these businesses are transforming our healthcare system through a positive impact on clinicians and patients alike. These businesses are increasing the financial earnings of their founders and completely changing lives. Becoming a nurse entrepreneur allows you to have a positive impact on healthcare while making well-deserved earnings. It is exciting to be a member of this profession in an era where anything is possible for a nurse.

 The final reason nurse entrepreneurship might be right for you:

7. Personal & Professional Growth

The decision to enter the world of nurse entrepreneurship and innovation has taken me out of my comfort zone and set me on a path of personal and professional growth. I am on my way to obtaining my terminal degree; I am fine-tuning my time management skills and doing a lot of personal growth work, learning to balance it all while being a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend. For many, nurse entrepreneurship is a stretch, but when we are stretched, growth follows.You will do things you never thought you would and develop skills you didn't know you needed. 

So, what do you think? Is nurse entrepreneurship right for you? If this sounds like you and everything you are looking for in your nursing career, consider starting with Stat PD. Stat PD can help you do all this without investing time and money or even leaving your day job. Instead, we give everyday experts a platform to create education, tools, templates, and other resources that help healthcare professionals do their job better, saving time and money and supporting people like you. Give Stat PD a try. You won't regret it!

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