Can Stat PD Save You Time?

Quick show of hands if you have been here:

You have a new need that pops up. Maybe you were delegated a new duty or task to complete, or you are told staff needs education on a new topic. 

You sit at your desk, ready to tackle that thing, but you get overwhelmed instead of getting right to it. You have a million things to do, and you can’t do one more thing. Would a tool make the task a little easier? What about ready-to-use education? Or perhaps a template to enhance your communication with staff? 

Weeks pass, and you realize that thing is still on your list because you never found the time to put that tool, education, or template together. Please tell us, we aren’t alone! I know I’ve done that more times than I can count, and I have a feeling you have too.

Now imagine this - you have this need pop up, and knowing how busy your next few weeks will be, you go to Stat PD to quickly search for readily available resources. 

One of two things will happen:

1. It’s your lucky day; the perfect resource awaits you! Woohoo! Add it to your cart, pay the seller, and use it today.  

2. You can’t find exactly what you are looking for, so you use the Make a Request feature which notifies current sellers of what you need. In a matter of time, a Stat PD seller contacts you with the resource, and it is in YOUR hands and ready to be used.

How great is that?! That’s exactly what Stat PD is all about - saving you time and getting the tools, templates, and education into your hands STAT.

Take a look around and see what resources we have available. We have some great sellers ready to meet your needs!

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