7 Steps to Create Your First Stat PD Listing


7 Steps to Create Your First Stat PD Listing

I am going to let you in on a little secret….are you ready for it? Here it is…you likely already have something that would be a perfect listing for Stat PD, but that self-judgment and criticism in your head tells you that no one would want to buy it.  That isn’t true. It is quite possible that the resource would be perfect how it is or with a little polishing it would be ready in no time. Spend some time going through your old files and notebooks.  If you are anything like us you have several projects that would work great for your first listing.

Still not convinced? Here are 7 basic steps you can take to create your first educational listing from scratch:

Step 1: Identify Your Topic

We have talked to so many nurses that are excited about the idea of Stat PD, but aren’t quite sure where to start. It’s simple. Pick a topic you see a need for and create a resource that would help educators and leaders with a need.  Need help coming up with ideas? Use Stat PD’s Idea Generator to brainstorm ideas. 

Step 2: Identify Target Learner 

Identify who will benefit from your resource. Is it someone new to healthcare? Someone with more experience? Keep that person’s learning needs in mind as you build your resource. 

Step 3: Conduct a Learning Needs Assessment

Figure out what it is that they need to know that they don’t know already. You might know this from your own personal experience or you can talk to potential learners to find out where they are struggling. 

Step 4: Identify Outcome Statement & Learning Objectives

Clearly identify what the overall goal is for your resources and what the learner will be able to do as a result of using your resource.  This will help stay focused and include the most relevant information for your learner. 

Step 5: Outline the Resource

Start with a brief outline of what you want to include.  After doing this you might find that you have way more content than you expected. Attention spans are shrinking. If needed, consider breaking down into more than one resource. 

Step 6: Design the Resource

Start with a rough draft, get feedback from a friend and make needed revisions. Continue this process until you reach your final draft.

Step 7: List the Resource

Create your seller account. Connect to Stripe. List your resources. It’s really that easy. 

There you have it.  7 simple steps to create your first educational listing for Stat PD. Use our How to Get Started as a Seller Tutorial to learn more about listing on Stat PD. Also, don't hesitate to reach out to us at statpdmarketplace@gmail.com if you have any questions. We are happy to help you get started!


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