Looking for Your Next Big Idea?

If you are anything like me, your brain is going a million miles a minute all. the. time. 

You always see the possibility in something. You know that you are made to do more. You are excited about the possibility of creating and selling something online, but you're not quite sure where to start. Developing your first resources can be overwhelming, especially if you are new. Have no worries. We see you. Stat PD is here to help.

Our more experienced educators and leaders likely have tons of resources in their archives that could be resurrected and listed on Stat PD.  But for our newer followers, this might not be the case. That is where our Stat PD Idea Generator comes into play. 

You are so full knowledge. You may just need a little help extracting those ideas from that brain of yours. Our Idea Generator is just the tool for you. This tool will guide you through a series of questions and prompts to begin brainstorming your next resource. It starts with you identifying your top areas in which you have a lot of knowledge. This might be a specialty, department, unit, role, topic, or population. Then you will dig a little deeper and identify specific things within those categories that you know really, really well. Then the fun part comes, but I am not quite ready to tell you what that is. Click here to get the freebie and have fun brainstorming all your new ideas to sell on Stat PD.  

We can't wait to see what you come up with!


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