Meet the Co-Founders

Have you ever been a little hesitant to put yourself out there? I mean really be the face for an idea you have had or be vulnerable in the world of online businesses? You guys! I know we aren’t alone, but here we go, finally ripping off the bandaid, coming out of the shadows, and saying, “here we are, world!” This is US. Meet Nicole and Jessi, the masterminds who have co-created Stat PD. Learn more about our backgrounds and why we believe Stat PD has the potential to revolutionize the world of healthcare professional development. 

Let’s start with Nicole -- Nicole Weathers MSN, RN, NPD-BC is a registered nurse scaling the divide between academia, practice, and entrepreneurship with a passion for bringing professional development resources to all corners of healthcare. Nicole has worked in healthcare organizations large and small, spending the majority of her nursing career working in different aspects of rural healthcare scrounging for the resources to do her job well.  She has been a nurse for seventeen years, is board certified in nursing professional development, and has a full-time gig managing an online residency program that is available to healthcare organizations nationwide. She is also pursuing her doctoral degree in leadership, health systems, and innovation and Stat PD marks her inaugural entrepreneurial endeavor. Nicole is currently exploring how mindset and clinician wellbeing influence the professional development of nurses and the impact that has on improving our healthcare system.

Special interests include:

  • Education Design & Delivery

  • Behavior & Organizational Change

  • Positive Psychology

  • Systems Thinking and Design

  • Job Crafting

  • Rural Healthcare

Nicole’s mission is to improve the quality of healthcare by increasing access to evidence-based resources and professional development opportunities for nurses and she believes Stat PD is one avenue to make this happen.

Next up, Jessi -- Jessica Grote DNP, RN, NPD-BC is a registered nurse who has spent her career in rural healthcare settings, from bedside nursing to quality to administration and everything in between. Jessi has seen firsthand the unique educational needs in rural settings, as well as the resource limitations for those living in these areas. She is passionate about access to care and using her voice to advocate for those living in rural and remote areas. She has been a nurse for 13 years, is also board certified in nursing professional development and works alongside Nicole coordinating the online nurse residency program. Jessi holds a Doctorate degree in Executive Leadership and has initiated the non-profit Foster Love with Beef. Jessi is currently exploring the benefits of wellbeing and resilience for new nurse graduates as well as access to care and resources for those living in rural areas.

Special interests include:

  • Rural Healthcare

  • Leadership

  • Quality

  • Education

  • Mentorship

  • Clinician Wellbeing

Rural America has always been Jessi’s home both personally and professionally. She believes everyone deserves access to resources, both providers and patients alike, and Stat PD is one solution for bringing resources to those in need.

So there you have it, the voices behind the nurse-owned marketplace Stat PD. We are so excited to be here and look forward to growing alongside our amazing early adopters and revolutionizing the world of healthcare professional development for years to come. 


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