Leverage Stat PD in Any Season of Life

Have you stumbled upon Stat PD or found us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn and thought, “I’m just not sure if this is the right season of my life/career to pursue something like this”?

Let me tell you, this marketplace can benefit you no matter what stage or season you are in.

Which of these can you identify with?

  • You’re a new mom/dad (like me!). Short on sleep. You took a step back at work to focus on your family, and you feel like you have more to give, but you are unsure how.
  • You recently transitioned into a new role - perhaps in leadership, quality, or education - and feel overwhelmed with your growing to-do list.
  • You are near retirement, not quite ready to give it all up yet. You know the knowledge gap between old and new healthcare providers is growing, and you feel you have so much experience to share.
  • You are an experienced leader who wants to share your tools and ideas to help newer leaders. Maybe even doing some mentoring on the side.
  • You are working in patient care and want to share report tools or case studies you have encountered in your career.
Regardless of what season of life you are in, Stat PD has the potential to help. Experienced and new healthcare providers can benefit from Stat PD in so many ways. 

Don't forget to utilize our *FREE* Stat PD Idea Generator. This is a great way to get those ideas flowing, focusing on your areas of expertise (yes, you are an expert even if you don't feel like it!) and various resource ideas to build off of that area. 

If you are still determining how you could contribute, reach out! We’d love to hear from you and help you get started.


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