Take Action One Small Decision At a Time

I’m a reader. Always have been, and likely always will be. I find myself reading a variety of books, but tend to always seem to have what would be classified as a ‘self-improvement’ book somewhere in my pile. I always want to improve and want to educate myself to the best of my ability. Recently, for my full time gig, we were asked to read Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book had been on my list for years, so I was excited to ‘have’ to read it.

I definitely had a couple major takeaways from this book that keep coming back to mind over and over again. The first, focusing on being 1% better every day and the impact this would have after a year (37.78), compared to if we were 1% worse every day (0.03) (Clear, 2018). The second, the impact of one good choice when faced with a decisive moment in our day (Clear, 2018).

So often, we get stuck in this ‘all-or-nothing’ mindset, thinking that we need to go all in or there is no point. I think many of us have this mindset at some point in our lives, whether personal or professional. I honestly just had this conversation with a home health patient the other day who was afraid of falling in his home. We talked about this ‘all-or-nothing’ mindset regarding his diet, exercise, and health and the impact this had on his life. He’s not the only one, as I often find myself in this all-or-nothing thinking too.

While an ‘all-or-nothing’ mindset is not a bad thing, it can lead to challenges, most often overwhelm and procrastination. So what if instead of having that all-or-nothing mindset, we focused on one small thing. One small improvement to put our all into. What if we were intentional about each decision we made, each “decisive moment” as Clear called it. If our first choice is a good choice, and we make a bad choice later, that doesn’t make us bad. That makes us better than we were yesterday.

So I ask you...  

What if to start out the new year, you focused on one decision. You got rid of that all-or-nothing thinking. You decided to just start. 

To sign-up as a buyer or seller. 

Make that first purchase. 

Create your first listing. 

To share that tool you have been thinking about. 

To take that step into entrepreneurship.  

Not putting expectations on yourself to do more, but to just take that first step. 

Imagine where you would be in a year if we made that one decision and took action.

What decision are you waiting on? We’d love to hear from you.

Clear, J. (2018). Atomic habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits & break old ones. Penguin Random House, LLC.


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