Create the Things You Wish Existed

Throughout the last 12 years of working in nursing professional development, I have spent countless hours recreating things that already exist in the world simply because I didn’t have access to them. Whether that was because of the physical location of where I live or the financial resources of my organization. Access has been, and continues to be, limited.

What if that didn't have to be the story? What if access to resources wasn’t an issue? What if there was high-quality education, tools, and templates available with a click of a button? What impact might this have on the lives of our healthcare educators, leaders, and their students, staff, and patients?

This is why we built Stat PD. We wanted to create a tool we wished existed in the world and instead of waiting around for someone else to do it, we took the plunge and made this wish a reality. Stat PD gives healthcare professionals instant access to resources that will make their lives easier, saving time and money.

We believe Stat PD does the same for you. In your everyday work, you innovate and create things to do your job and make your life easier. These are things you need to do your job or wish existed already. However, because of your current circumstances, they simply aren’t available to you. Stat PD gives you a simple platform to share those resources with the rest of the world.

Get started in 3 easy steps:

1. Sign-up as a seller.
2. Connect to our payment gateway.
3. List your first resource.

That’s it! Start selling for FREE on Stat PD TODAY!

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